Friday, December 7, 2007

Mass Effect Overall

Mass Effect is a great Rpg by Bioware available to 360 owners, and has many elements to it. Finding the true genre for the game isn't always obvious. Sometimes you feel like you are Playing an Rpg (role playing game), other times you'll think it's a very descriptive shooter, and some other times you'll probably not even think you're playing a game.

A few flaws are present in Mass Effect. One downer to Mass Effect is the shortness of the main quest, we completed this game on an average of 16 hours feeling incomplete, meaning Bioware stopped at the point that they may have felt it was complete when to many it was not. Another flaw is the frame rate being shaky, and unstable, but it's not that bad. We just don't welcome it.

But Mass Effect is Welcome in our Game Collections, ad should be in yours.

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